Poetry of Lloyd Godman - © Lloyd Godman

A poetic reading of Anita Lynch's photographs by Lloyd Godman

Subversive expression

Raw lines flow in adrenalin staccato
stagger across hard concrete walls
nervous zigzags avoid the law
colour twist joins, flow as one
identity remains concealed

the hand of anonymous artists
strikes with the power of a spray can
an image grows larger
subversive expression in the late dark hours

a wall is covered
sprayed over again and again
fortuitous images emerge
as a pleasure - a pain - a question - an answer
as raw material for another
camera wielding artist
who works in the light of day against no law


digital collage grows in safety
sub-subversive expression
raw marks cut pasted mirrored
layered, patterns emerge at a click
quickly megabytes multiply


confronting figures appear
faces torn with the terror of life
metamorphic missiles point high
become columns that lift arches high
affront the phallus of tearful existence
graffiti wallpaper expands the fabric of consequence
the open canvas is never finished