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Preliminary works

The stability and balance that a level horizon line gives a photographic image is often an essential part of the design. I had learned that horizons that slightly tilt can produce a sense of awkwardness in an image and if the image is to be taken on a lean it should look deliberate and be at least 15-20° off line.

I soon developed the idea of deliberately tilting the camera on a 45 degree angle to create lozenge or diamond shaped image, with the island in the corner of the frame,  but positioning the camera in such a manner so as the square frame was balanced on the fulcrum became a difficult task, and was even more unforgiving. The visual potential of the images became evident but it so did the need to adequately solve the problem of a level horizon line.

Lloyd Godman 1/2/1988

Lloyd Godman 1/2/1988